19 December 2013

Let's make a Quadcopter!

I'm your host, Karl Mortensen, coming to you from Central New York.

I'll be using this blog to document my building, tweaking, and flying a quadcopter. I'm starting from essentially no knowledge of flying nor quadcopters, so it shouldn't be too hard to keep up. If I make mistakes or could be more clear about something, feel free to comment. I may include your suggestions in the blog.

While I am not promoting a particular company nor supplier, I will tell you what brands of items I chose, and I have started including affiliate links to the products I purchased. This does not mean this is the only way to go, nor even the best. It's just what I chose. Note that as this is my first excursion into quadcopters, I chose parts to try to keep the cost down as much as possible.

Also note that as with any electronics/software/firmware, there is more than one way to do things. If you have a superior method, feel free to share. 

There are a lot of sources of information out there, many much better than mine, but as I document my proceedings, I will remember things more clearly, be able to repeat my steps, and hopefully help someone else get started just a little sooner. I am in no way a professional, so don't take my advice and authoritative--it's just a record of what I did.
